Knight Rider (1982)

Knight Rider (1982)

The series follows the thrilling adventures of Michael Knight, a detective thought to be dead, who's been given a new face and identity. His assignment: to fight crime with the help of an artificially intelligent, talking car named K.I.T.T., a high-speed, futuristic weapon outfitted with high-tech gadgets and a personality of its own. Driven by justice, they set out to take down criminals who operate above the law.

Tür: Drama,Action,Crime
Dizi Başlangıç Tarihi: 26.09.1982
Dizi Bitiş Tarihi:
Yeni Bölüm: -
Son Yayınlanan Bölüm: S04E22 - Voo Doo Knight - 04.04.1986
S04E22Voo Doo Knight04.04.1986İzlemedim
S04E21Knight of the Rising Sun14.03.1986İzlemedim
S04E20Fright Knight07.03.1986İzlemedim
S04E19Knight Flight to Freedom21.02.1986İzlemedim
S04E18Hills of Fire14.02.1986İzlemedim
S04E17Knight of a Thousand Devils07.02.1986İzlemedim
S04E16Redemption of a Champion31.01.1986İzlemedim
S04E15Deadly Knightshade24.01.1986İzlemedim
S04E14Out of the Woods17.01.1986İzlemedim
S04E13Killer K.I.T.T.10.01.1986İzlemedim
S04E12The Scent of Roses03.01.1986İzlemedim
S04E11Knight Song13.12.1985İzlemedim
S04E10Knight Behind Bars06.12.1985İzlemedim
S04E09Knight Racer29.11.1985İzlemedim
S04E08Many Happy Returns15.11.1985İzlemedim
S04E07Knight Sting08.11.1985İzlemedim
S04E06The Wrong Crowd01.11.1985İzlemedim
S04E05Burial Ground25.10.1985İzlemedim
S04E04Sky Knight18.10.1985İzlemedim
S04E02Knight of the Juggernaut (2)20.09.1985İzlemedim
S04E01Knight of the Juggernaut20.09.1985İzlemedim

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