

Based on the critically acclaimed series of novels from Kelley Armstrong. Set in Toronto and upper New York State, Bitten follows the adventures of 28-year-old Elena Michaels, the world's only female werewolf. An orphan, Elena thought she finally found her "happily ever after" with her new love Clayton, until her life changed forever. With one small bite, the normal life she craved was taken away and she was left to survive life with the Pack.

Tür: Drama,Horror,Romance
Dizi Başlangıç Tarihi: 11.01.2014
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Son Yayınlanan Bölüm: S03E10 - Truth, Changes, Everything - 15.04.2016
S03E10Truth, Changes, Everything15.04.2016İzlemedim
S03E09Shock the System08.04.2016İzlemedim
S03E08Tili Tili Bom01.04.2016İzlemedim
S03E07On the Brink25.03.2016İzlemedim
S03E06Rule of Anger18.03.2016İzlemedim
S03E05Of Sonders Weight11.03.2016İzlemedim
S03E04A Quiet Dog04.03.2016İzlemedim
S03E03Right Behind You26.02.2016İzlemedim
S03E02Our Own Blood19.02.2016İzlemedim
S03E01Family, of Sorts12.02.2016İzlemedim

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